train The trainer
Training for challenging times

Technical experts may not always make the best trainers.
After all technical experts whilst brilliant technically, might not understand the needs of their audience.
Technical expertis might accidentally overwhelm attendees with too much information, or might mumble their way through presentations, or might be so enthusiastic that their delivery distracts the audience's attention.
Let's be honest about it, some technical experts might actually be such bad presenters and are so boring, that a lot of the audience even falls asleep, thereby wasting their time and their employers' money.
Yes some training sessions really are as dry as a desert.

the problem
the solution
We can work with your in-house technical experts so they also become superb trainers, thereby helping ensure attendees at your in-house training sessions get the most of out each session, and are better equipped to provide your clients with workable solutions to real problems.
Contact us for an informal chat about how we can help your technical experts further develop their training skills.